2008年10月4日 星期六

Favorite songs

There are two songs that I like very much. One is “Yesterday once more “by Carpenters, and the other one is called “Because love is in our hearts”(愛因為在心中), which is sung by Wang Leehom . Yesterday once more is mainly about a girl that when she was young she would always listen to the radio waiting for her favorite song; however, as she grew up, she found that those melodies seemed so far away from her. But when she heard the song once again, she discovered that those words in the songs came back to her just like a long lost friend. And I could feel the extreme happiness that she must have felt. The way Carpenters sang the song really gives the feeling that I am going back to when I was young and have no pressure from daily life, and just do whatever I want. Even just waiting to see a cartoon or playing with other people. Those are the days that most people would like to go back to. And they sang out every person’s deepest feeling. As for the one by Wang Leehom, it wants to show that friendship is important, it can lighten the darkness in your life and give you strength and courage to face the obstacles. Even if everyone has different dreams and that sometimes it makes us feel that the shining star is way far to reach but when we share it with each other, no matter we failed to achieve the goal or succeeded, we will always be touched and appreciate the love and the support form others. These two songs revealed two important thing in our life and I was deeply touched when I heard them for the first time.

1 則留言:

Silverblu 提到...

AAArrrgh Mandy I left you a REALLY long post but it disappeared... it's such a nuisance to write another one! By the way, your entries are so long! Try copying them onto WORD to look for grammar problems.
