2008年10月30日 星期四

why study abroad

Many people dream to study abroad in the future. I think there are three reasons why people want to study abroad. First of all, they could learn to live in a place that is not familiar to them by themselves in a foreign country. They can also meet people that grow up in a culture that are different than us. Most importantly, they can gain more knowledge to reach their professions.
In a foreign country, they can learn to live by ourselves in a place that they are not familiar with. They could learn to find ways to survive in an exotic country which may be very useful for the future. By depending on oneself would also make a person become much more mature and become a person that is not fear of challenges.
The most interesting part of studying abroad is that people can meet people of different culture. We can learn about other culture from making friends. From them we will not only broaden our knowledge but also our horizon. It would also make us be much more open-minded and be much easier to accept the difference between different cultures.
The main reason why most people like to study abroad is that they can gain knowledge to reach their professions. If people just study n one country, they might only see an issue from one angle. Being in the country, you could learn to see from different point of view. In that way, people can translate an event much more completely than before.
Those three points above are what I think are the reason why people like to study abroad. Learning in a foreign country can not only let us gain our knowledge but also make our future better.
