2008年9月26日 星期五


(Situation) This book is called UGLIES which is written by Scott Westerfeld. In this book, it talks about extreme beauty and anyone normal is ugly. It is a place that when you get to eighteen years old, and then the government would gather all the newly turned eighteens to do a unique surgery in order to make them a beauty. The main character in this book is a girl named Tally whose best friend, Peris, who just turned eighteen three months before. She then met a girl whose name was Shay, the girl who told her about a place called Smoke.( A place where the normal hid in order to get away from the city that had to do surgeries to be beautiful and a place that the government tried to find for many times .)(Conflict) Tally didn't go to the Smoke with Shay because she wanted to be pretty. Unfortunately, the government found out that Shay had run away and they threaten Tally that if she would not help them to dig out where the Smoke was they would never turn her to be a beauty. And the government sent her parents and her old best friend, Peris, to persuade her to cooperate with them. So she needed to choose whether she should be faithful to her good friend or let herself be a beauty. At last, she chose to go find the Smoke according to the clues that Shay left for her. (Suffer) After she finally get to the Smoke, she found out the people in there are all uglies, however they are unlike the uglies back in the cities, who are very ashamed of their appearance. It was like a heaven for the people there and she started to think more about whether she should damage this great place just because of her selfishness. And she felt much more guilty after knowing the reason why the place was established- to stay away from a beauty surgery that would do some damage to your brain. (Outcome) The government found out where the Smoke was and killed most of the people in the Smoke by a mistake Tally did. In the end, in order to make up, she was willing to be turned pretty to test on a risky medicine that might cure the damage that the surgery would do, to make the people’s minds to be normal again.
Reflection: Pretty or ugly is judged by oneself. People should appreciate their looks instead of despise them. Those who did the surgery to be beautiful not only lose their real appearance but also their true self.
